Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The very first post!

First post, and with the amount of sass from this little monster there will be many more!  Twyla is a 11.5 week old, 4.1 lb longhaired miniature dachshund!  She hails from way north Vermont, where we saw border control and snow, much too early in the year!

Twyla's favorite activities include napping, trying to climb inside the refrigerator, and giving copious amounts of  attitude while being insanely cute and therefore getting away with it.  She also loves wrestling half gallons of milk, collecting tons of toys to reign over, and pressing buttons on the laptop to see if any noise will come out.    She is currently on a toe-biting streak, and has driven us to wear slippers around the house.

The next posts will perhaps venture into the past five weeks, from where Russell and I have a huge stockpile of photos and videos... who knows!